A California Fall–Guest Post!!
You MAY have noticed (Or NOT) that I have been a bit MIA as of late. Well that is in large part due to trying to find work again now that school is back in session, but it is mostly due to my grandpa landing in the hospital suddenly (he is 92) with a brain bleed and needing an emergency surgery to get all the blood drained out. Pics to follow in another post of the end result of that (nothing gross I promise!!) I am happy to say he is out now, but things won’t be the same as he shouldn’t be driving anymore, so there are still many details to figure out regarding his and my grandmas care from here on out as they are used to doing E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G for themselves. When I had asked the lovely ladies from the SoCal Lady Bloggers group if anyone would be interested in guest posting for me in my absence, Maribel was the first one to jump at the chance to help me out. So a heartfelt THANK YOU goes out to her!! I truly hope I will be able to start catching up on everything I would like to post about sooner rather than later. For now though, enjoy this great post by Maribel, from Stroller Adventures, about a season that those in other states most likely would say doesn’t exist in California; BUT if you look carefully, there are many subtle hints that Fall has indeed arrived to sunny California (just don’t try looking in my backyard for clues of it being fall… all of my roses and the jasmine seem to think it must be in the middle of spring as they are blooming like crazy right now! Must post pictures of that!
I love reading all about Erin and what she does in Los Angeles, so when she mentioned she was looking for guest bloggers I jumped at the opportunity. My name is Maribel and I blog at Stroller Adventures about my adventures in parenting two very inquisitive kids, I also love cooking and experimenting with food and different flavors. Fall is my favorite season of the year.
The calendar says it is Fall…
Yet here in California we all know Fall is not officially here, we know we still have a couple of weeks of heat and we can still wear flip-flops along with some shorts.
Fall is different though in many, many ways.
Have you noticed how the sun’s light has changed in the last couple of days?
Have you noticed there is a bit of a temperature change to a cooler, breezier night?
Leaves on trees are turning into different hues of orange, red and brown. Some of them are already falling onto the ground.
We are seeing more and more pumpkin patches pop up and get ready for a new season, a new year of activities where families will visit and search for that perfectly plump pumpkin that will be turned into a ghoulish jack-o lantern come Halloween.
A new season brings new options of foods and comfort meals. Our family has a favorite fall fruit: Pomegranate.
Fall festivals are also fun, all throughout California you can find them. Our favorite one in San Diego is the Julian Apple Days Festival this festival is all things apple! it is the perfect setting for it too. In the mountains of San Diego County you will find Julian a little countryside town that is popular for its apple pies. This celebration takes place on October 6th and 7th at Menghini Winery it features apple displays, music and dancing. There are children’s activities too and apple pies!
You can enjoy this wonderful festival from 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Admission is $5.00 per adult and children 12 and under are FREE.
There are many more festivals all throughout California, which one is your favorite?
I enjoyed looking at your pictures, they are beautiful. I love summer so much I kinda envy those of you that get some more summer days. Thanks for sharing!
Thank you Kathryn, I love these pictures too. Specially the first one, I feel it shows everything that fall is in California. I took that picture on the road to Northern California. It is nice to get some extra “summer” days, but I honestly love what the East Coast has for fall with crisp breeze and lots of leaves on the street.
Gorgeous pics! I want to eat those apples right up.
Kristen recently posted..Bringing Home The Babies! Modern Mom Tauts Belly Wrap Review and Giveaway (US) 10/13
Thank you Kristen, those apples are Gala Apples and Green Apples. They are fresh and the perfect fruit to celebrate fall.
It looks beautiful! I’d love to see CA in the fall! One of the things I’ve always disliked about living in FL is missing the beautiful leaves chance
Amanda Tempel recently posted..GettingPersonal.co.uk Mini Desktop Henry Vaccuum Cleaner (with Rat Pictures) Review and Giveaway – Ends 10/10 – Open Worldwide
Amanda, I’ve been to Florida and it is beautiful too. The color of the Ocean is so different from here on the West Coast.
The only difference hear in Florida is the time change at the end of October, the weather is a little cooler but still hot. Happy Fall!!
April recently posted..Flower Two Litter Bottle Art
I never really think about seasons living in CA. I think more according to daylight savings time. I left work around 7 yesterday and it was dark already. That made me sad. I love the long sun days, so I’m already pining for summer. ^_^
trina recently posted..Babies R Us and Huggies expo that didn’t happen
It’s so true, it is getting darker earlier. I’ve noticed that too and I’ve also noticed that it is still dark at 7 a.m.! It is going to make it a challenge to get up in the winter months. Glad I made you think about it now Trina.
Maribel: you wrote this beautifully =) And you made it feel very magical in the process. Well done =)
But I will always miss those Minnesota Falls
Jamie recently posted..My LOVE of Long Beach!
You know, at first I thought this doesn’t sound right. But then all of the sudden my fingers and heart took over and I feel they did some magic… Thank you Jamie! that is a great compliment… one that I needed to hear.
I love going to Julian!! Such a quaint town. The kids absolutely love it too. It is the perfect time of year to go! Great pics!!
Cheers! ~S
Suzanne @ The Wine{a}be recently posted..How it all began…
It is the perfect place to spend a day with kids. We used to go during the winter months after a rain storm so we would enjoy some snow fun
Absolutely stunning photos!
Thank you!!! Some I took over the weekend. Others I took on the day I wrote this post.
I already miss summer and think of fall in Ca as more of a heat wave! It always seems to get a bit warmer around this time of year! I often feel kind of torn… wanting cooler weather and then also longing for the longs days of summer sun!
Simone recently posted..Around the Room
Simone, I think we all feel kind of torn by the weather. I sometimes look out the window in the morning and see fog/clouds and dress for winter when in it is in fact humid and hot. Enjoy this weather…
Fall is also my favorite season, even if it’s very subtle here in SoCal. We have yet to take the kids to a fall festival but love the idea of picking apples from trees. Julian is not too far from us. Maybe we’ll take a trip and head south for a day.
Romina recently posted..Eco-friendly Disaster Kit for Baby (National Preparedness Month)
Romina, your family will have lots of fun. Make sure you enjoy some delicious apple pie, sometimes there is a long line waiting for it to be ready but it is worth it!
These fall photos totally make me smile
Meagan Paullin recently posted..$25 Cash Flash Giveaway – One Day Only!
Beautiful pictures! I love the pomagranite! I’m so ready for fall!
Jeannette recently posted..Helping Give My Kids a Healthy Meal in a Hurry with Kidfresh! #KFHealthyKids #CBias
I love autumn! I love the colors the food, the smells! It’s all pretty amazing. The leaves have started to change colors and fall, the temperatures are cooler (that’s about the only thing I don’t like about Fall) and the baking has begun! It’s amazing.
Amber Edwards recently posted..First School for my Daughter, Am I ready?
Autumn is such a gorgeous season. Our leaves are almost all turned already!
Mel recently posted..Caseable Sleeve/Case Review
I wish I was somewhere that I had hunt for signs of fall. This is not my favorite season at all.
We love Fall! Awesome photos : )
Thanks for the info. about the Julian Apple Days Festival! I was looking for something fall-y to do this Oct. I’m definitely going to look into it!
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