Inside Out: Meet the Little Voices Inside Your Head #InsideOutEvent

Inside Out: Meet the Little Voices Inside Your Head

By Erin

*I was invited as a guest of Disney to attend the press junket for purposes of this post*

Have you ever wanted to meet those little voices inside your head? Or do you ever look at someone and wonder what is going on inside their head? Well, in Disney-Pixar’s fifteenth film, “Inside Out” examines this very thought of what goes inside our head as we witness firsthand the turbulent mechanisms and dynamics of the five primary emotions driving an eleven year-old girl’s mind. At a recent press junket in Beverly Hills we were able to do just this as we got to sit down and chat with the creators and cast of Inside Out.


Director Pete Docter, Producer Jonas Rivera, and cast members Amy Poehler (“Joy,”) Bill Hader (“Fear,”) Mindy Kaling (“Disgust,”) Phyllis Smith (“Sadness,”) and Lewis Black (“Anger”) joined us for some very emotional fun, topics ranging from emotions, to Pixar, to Islands of Personality.

First we chatted with Director Pete Docter and Producer Jonas Rivera. Both have been with Pixar for over 20 years, and their love for creating movies shines through in Inside Out.


So how did the idea of “Inside Out” come to be?

Pete Docter  noticed that his daughter was going through some very emotional times, like all pre-teens do. She had just turned 11.

“I noticed my daughter growing up, being a little less goofy and wacky and funny and a little more shy and quiet because she had turned 11.  And at the same time, I was looking at different ideas for a film and thought about emotions as characters. The basic pitch that I gave to Jonas at first, and then ultimately John, was, “What if we have an 11-year-old girl who’s moved across the country, but she’s actually not the main character; she’s the setting, because inside her head are her emotions that help her deal with everyday life?” It was pretty much just that simple of a concept.  I didn’t really have a story yet.  That came from working with Josh Cooley and Ronnie del Carmen, all the amazing story talents that we have.  It slowly developed over the next four years.  But we all kind of know that, that it doesn’t have to be perfect.  We’re gonna make a lot of adjustments and refinements as we go.”


How did there come to be five emotions to go inside the head, rather than six or four?  Is there a mathematical reason for that?

Pete explained to us: “I pitched optimism, which is, we learned later, not really an emotion, and joy. I had fear and anger and some other ones, and we realized, man, we don’t really know anything about this.  So we did a lot of research, and that’s where this came from.  There is no consensus amongst scientists about how many emotions there actually are.  Some say 3; some say 27; most are somewhere in the middle.  We realized, well, we get to kind of make this up. We arrived at five, mainly because it’s a nice odd number.  It felt like a good crowd, enough contrast and conflict between them, but not so big that you’re, like, “Wait, who’s that again?  Schadenfreude?  Okay.  Lost track of −” so, if we were to represent all 27, I just − my brain was hurting, thinking of writing for all these characters. We ended up at these five, largely because of the work of Dr. Paul Ekman, who was one of the consultants on the show.  And he had originally, back in the ’70s, posited six.  It was our five, plus surprise.  And we felt surprise, as a cartoon, is probably fairly similar to fear.  So we jettisoned that one, and that’s how we ended up with the five.”

Do Pete and Jonas deliberately start out to make movies as a team or purposely like to make people cry?

Jonas had this to say: “We don’t sit around consciously going, “All right. Let’s make a great movie.” I mean, we hope that happens, obviously, but I think it’s just like, “What do we wanna see? What did we love seeing when we were kids? What do we wanna take our families to? What are we gonna be proud of? Let’s aim for that.”

Next, we had a hilarious chat with the voices inside the head of Inside Out.


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Getting Real with Chrissie Fit & Jordan Fisher from Teen Beach 2! #TeenBeach2Event

Getting Real with Chrissie Fit & Jordan Fisher from Teen Beach 2!

By Erin

*I attended as a guest of Disney. I received an all expense paid press trip for the Inside Out/Phineas and Ferb/Teen Beach 2/Celebrity Family Feud event. All opinions are my own.*

The next chapter to Disney Channel’s outrageously popular “Teen Beach Movie” will be premiering this summer on June 26th at 8PM EST. “Teen Beach 2”, A Disney Channel Original Movie — starring the original foursome from the sing-and-dance hit, Ross Lynch (Disney Channel’s “Austin & Ally”), Maia Mitchell (ABC Family’s “The Fosters”), Garrett Clayton and Grace Phipps is ready to roll, but this time, is set in the modern-day high school attended by Brady (Lynch) and Mack (Mitchell) with their 1960’s silver screen friends Lela (Phipps) and Tanner (Clayton) stuck in it. A plan must be made to get their friends back to their old-fashioned movie world before it’s too late.

To celebrate this occasion we had the pleasure to meet up with and chat with the ever popular Chrissie Fit (Chee-Chee) and Jordan Fisher (Seacat) who also star in the movie. You might have also seen that they gave us a dance lesson in a previous post the other day, so be sure to check that out as well. Those two sure can move! And the rest of us, well we tried. We can move, just maybe not as gracefully or as fast. 😉 Chrissie and Jordan were such a joy to talk to, so come join in the conversation with us!

TEEN BEACH 2 - "Teen Beach 2" stars Chrissie Fit and Jordan Fisher participate in a Mom blogger event to celebrate the movie's June 26, 2015 premiere. (Disney Channel/Valerie Macon) CHRISSIE FIT

Chrissie Fit. Photo Credit: Disney Channel/Valerie Macon

One of the first things we all wanted to know was  about their dance backgrounds and if they started out as singers and then got into dancing or what?

Chrissie Fit told us, “I’m not a Professional Dancer, although Teen Beach 2 makes me look like one. I am Cuban. So I grew up in a household where we were dancing Salsa, Meringue and you know it was a dance kind of loving family. I was a Singer and then I became an Actress so I don’t really have a dance background.  I think I learned the most doing the Teen Beach Movie and I appreciate it so much.”

TEEN BEACH 2 - "Teen Beach 2" stars Chrissie Fit and Jordan Fisher participate in a Mom blogger event to celebrate the movie's June 26, 2015 premiere. (Disney Channel/Valerie Macon) JORDAN FISHER

Jordan Fisher. Photo Credit: Disney Channel/Valerie Macon

 Jordan Fisher had this to say about how he got started dancing. “You know you walk into a rehearsal full of a bunch of people that you watch on So You Think You Can Dance and incredible choreographers, incredible dancers and you walk in.  Yeah I’m an Actor.  I walk in I’m like, “Okay here we go, let’s get this going.”  I had a crush on a girl in the 5th grade who joined the Drama Club and so I loved that, joining the Drama Club.  And so I started acting and singing and dancing all on the same day and like when I was 10.”

TEEN BEACH 2 - "Teen Beach 2" stars Chrissie Fit and Jordan Fisher participate in a Mom blogger event to celebrate the movie's June 26, 2015 premiere. (Disney Channel/Valerie Macon) CHRISSIE FIT, JORDAN FISHER

Chrissie & Jordan during our interview. Photo Credit: Disney Channel/Valerie Macon

While we were on the topic of singing, dancing and acting it was only fitting to ask them if they had any advice for an aspiring Musician, Artist, or Dancer?

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Phineas & Ferb Last Day of Summer #PhineasAndFerbEvent

Phineas and Ferb Last Day of Summer

By Erin

Last week I mentioned that I was going to be seeing the “Phineas and Ferb Last Day of Summer” episode as Phineas and Ferb is sadly ending after an amazing run. We also had the opportunity to chat with creators and Executive Producers: Dan Povenmire & Jeff “Swampy” Marsh about the “Phineas and Ferb Last Day of Summer” episode, airing on Disney XD on Friday, June 12 at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT. As if that wasn’t enough, we got to end our time with Dan and Swampy with a fun summer picnic (the weather did not disappoint us either as we got some HOT HOT HOT  summertime weather on Monday!) Even Phineas and Ferb joined in on the fun!



First, we had the screening for the Special One-Hour Episode Premiere. How exciting to see it on a big screen instead of on the TV at home! Here’s a quick synopsis of the Last Day of Summer. As the summer season comes to a close, it’s Candace’s last chance to bust her brothers. She is quickly foiled, but is presented with an opportunity to redo the day when she sets off Dr. Doofenshmirtz’s Do-Over-Inator, which results in other consequences like rips in the space-time continuum, the shortening of days and the disappearance of her brothers and other things. I can’t give away the ending but I am happy to say that you will enjoy the way the Last Day of Summer ends. Be on the lookout for a few special “Easter eggs” in the episode you won’t want to miss either! 😉


When the episode was over with, Dan and Swampy came to join us for an emotional Q & A session. First we found out what the inspiration for Phineas and Ferb was. There inspiration came mostly from their own childhoods. Dan said, “Cause Swampy and I were both sort of creative kids and, we had creative parents that would allow us to do ridiculous things and were always building things like tree houses and I was the king of my neighborhood” Swampy added, “It started with us putting ourselves back to 10 to 12 year old boys and thinking  you could do anything. That’s pretty easy for us to do, cause we’re pretty close to that maturity level.”


Next we asked about which episode was their favorite. Dan said he has a list of favorites, but if he really had to be pressed for a favorite it might be the roller coaster one because it’s one that he and Swampy did themselves. Another favorite was Summer Belongs To You, which was their first hour long special. In that episode it has Phineas and Isabela in Paris where Isabela’s trying to get him to see how romantic it is and, Candace and Jeremy decide to be boyfriend and girlfriend and then they’re all stranded on a desert island and the last 11 minutes of Summer Belongs To You I think was maybe the best thing. The songs from Summer Belongs to You and the ending song in the  finale were also favorites. “The one that just aired, I literally can’t watch without tearing up.  When it was playing I actually purposely took my phone out and answered e-mails so that I wouldn’t be all red eyed,” said a very teary eyed and emotional Dan“The song is one of my favorites,” said Dan. Then Swampy continued to say, “It really says a lot about the series.”

Now, why did the show have to end?  Dan explained to us, “We’ve been doing this for a decade and we felt like this is a good time-I feel like this show is still really good and really fresh. I’m really proud of the 4th season as much as I am of the first ones. I felt like let’s go out before it starts feeling tired. Swampy added in, “There’s a whole new batch of kids that could start in episode one.”

"Phineas and Ferb" creators and executive producers Dan Povenmire and Jeff "Swampy" Marsh at a screening event to promote the "Last Day of Summer" in Burbank California on Monday, June 8. "Phineas and Ferb: Last Day of Summer," premieres Friday, June 12 at 9:00 p.m. ET/PT as a simulcast on Disney XD and Disney Channel. (Disney XD/Valerie Macon) DAN POVENMIRE (CO-CREATOR/EXECUTIVE PRODUCER, "PHINEAS AND FERB"), JEFF "SWAMPY" MARSH (CO-CREATOR/EXECUTIVE PRODUCER, "PHINEAS AND FERB")

Photo Credit: Disney XD/Valerie Macon

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