Celebrating Spring with Bigelow Tea!
By: Erin
Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias® and Bigelow Tea #cbias #SocialFabric #AmericasTea All thoughts and opinions are my own, and I enjoy a great cup of tea! 🙂

It’s springtime! When I think of spring, I think of garden tea parties, sitting out in the backyard with the roses in full bloom, sipping some delicious Bigelow Tea with some good friends. When I think of tea parties, scenes from Alice in Wonderland, elegant Victorian decor and ladies with their pinky fingers stuck up in the air come to mind. I have some very old, yet amazingly beautiful tea cups and tea pots that I’ve just been itching to use to have a tea party with as they’ve just been sitting around in the china cabinet, collecting dust for quite a while now. These cups and pots hold a lot of family history as I imagine they have been through many tea parties before. Some of them can even be traced back to 1910 when my great-great grandmother Carlson owned them. As spring has been approaching us, I’ve been getting more and more excited to finally host a tea party with these beauties! I gathered up a few friends who I know enjoy tea and tea parties as much as I do, and we started to plan our afternoon tea party to celebrate spring with Bigelow Tea! This led to a trip to Wal-Mart to go buy some of my favorite tea, Bigelow Tea, as well as some other much needed items, which you can see the full shopping trip here, in my Google+ Album!
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