Dalgona Cinnamon Coffee Recipe
By Erin

Life begins after coffee right? I can’t function (very well) until I’ve had my cup of joe in the morning. Being at home more, has meant more time to experiment in the kitchen and actually MAKE my own coffee, vs rushing to Starbucks before work (if I have time) or making a coffee run to the little coffee cart at the hospital when I get a minute. Dalgona coffee is currently the internet’s favorite drink right now, I’ve seen so many variations of this drink but decided to take it up a notch. I added a pinch of cinnamon to my coffee froth to make some Dalgona Cinnamon Coffee! It is delicious!

Here’s What You Need
– 3 tablespoons of hot water
– 3 tablespoons of sugar
– 3 tablespoons of instant coffee- 1 teaspoon of powdered cinnamon
– Milk or a vegetal beverage of your choice

How to Make it
1. In a bowl, put together 3 tablespoons of instant coffee, 3 tablespoons of sugar, and 3 tablespoons of boiling water.
2. Beat everything well, with a hand mixer or a whisk until everything is well beaten and the consistency is similar to whipped cream.

3. Add the cinnamon and mix a minute more.
4. Fill a mug until about 2/3 with milk. You can use cold or warm milk according to your preferences, or you can also use a vegetal beverage of your choice. You can also use ice for an even fresher beverage.
5. On top, put a few spoons of the whipped coffee.
6. Your Cinnamon Dalgona coffee is ready! Use a spoon (or a cinnamon stick!) to mix the coffee with the milk as you drink it. Using powdered cinnamon on top more is more for decoration than necessity!

You can use whatever quantities you prefer, as long as you use the same amount of hot water, sugar, and instant coffee. This is enough for two big cups.
