Grand Opening: Nespresso Beverly Hills Flagship Boutique @NespressoUSA

Grand Opening: Nespresso Beverly Hills Flagship Boutique

By: Ruth and Erin

Disclosure: We were invited out to the Grand Opening of the Nespresso Boutique in Beverly Hills. All thoughts and opinions are our own. Photographs all taken by Ruth. =)

This past week Nespresso opened up their doors with an extravagant Grand Opening Celebration for their new Flagship Boutique in Beverly Hills! I was bummed I could not make the trip out myself, but was excited to be able to send Ruth from So Cal Pocket Memories in my place. So here’s the scoop on what’s new in the 90210!

Last Wednesday I was invited to Nespresso’s grand opening of their Beverly Hills Boutique located on Beverly Drive.  Funny story, I was getting there and I was so excited to see the parking structure across the street.  Mind you I am an aggressive driver when I drive my little car.  A person crossing the sidewalk probably thought I wasn’t going to stop.  When he saw I stopped I looked at him and it was Jerry Springer!  I should of chanted Jerry!  Jerry!  Jerry! as he crossed, but decided to keep my cool since I was in Beverly Hills!  

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SmartStrand Carpet: “License to Spill” Tour Comes to LA! #shop

SmartStrand Carpet: “License to Spill” Tour Comes to LA!

By: Erin

Disclosure: I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop has been compensated as part of a social shopper insights study for Collective Bias and their client. All thoughts and opinions remain my own.

Growing up with pets, I know how hard it is to keep carpet clean.  Especially as they get into their older years, it can get really messy. Throw in your occasional spill from time to time and general foot traffic coming through, and if you have kids, then you know how dirty carpet can get, fast! When I learned that the Mohawk SmartStrand was going to be at the Port of Los Angeles Lobster Festival for their License to Spill tour this past weekend, I knew that I just had to check it out and boy was I ever impressed! I was also looking forward to eating some tasty lobster and hanging out with my favorite blogger buddies!

License To Spill #ShopAs soon as I arrived I met up with my fellow blogging friends and who should appear then, but JD Roberto, who  is from The Better Show! JD was there to test out the SmartStrand Carpet and to Record about the License to Spill Tour for his show. He was having a great time enjoying the Lobster Fest as he came back from playing one of the games with a  framed Justin Bieber photo that he was going to give to his co-host as a joke.

The smells coming from the License to Spill tour were making me crave lobster even more as they were dishing out samples of Lobster Cioppino by Noramae Munster from Ports O’ Call Waterfront Dining.  I could have taken seconds or even thirds of this yummy stuff, but I waited patiently for my lobster!

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LA County Fair: It’s Fair Time! Fair, Food, & Fun! + Ticket Giveaway

LA County Fair: It’s Fair Time! Fair, Food, & Fun! + Ticket Giveaway

By: Erin

Disclosure: I was invited out to the Media Food Preview Night at the LA County Fair and I was provided with a 4 pack of tickets with a parking pass to the LA County Fair. All opinions are my own and I’ve been going to this fair for as long as I can remember. 😉

It’s that time of year again folks, and you know what that means! It’s time for the LA County Fair. All the rides, games, shows, concerts,  new animal exhibits and of course one of the main attractions, the FOOD!! Every year, the food is a huge draw at the fair, and as usual will not disappoint .  You will see the oh so familiar fried food fare from longtime fair favorites such as Chicken Charlie’s, but the fair does have some Gluten-Free options, one of my personal favorites; Terri’s Berries and then there is the Los Angeles International Wine & Spirits Marketplace. The Fair started last Friday, August 30th and will run through September 29th. This past Wednesday I was invited out to a food preview for a sneak peek of what’s in store for this year’s UN-LEASH Your Inner Fair at the LA County Fair!

This year the fair has been turned into “Calitopia,” where you can keep cool with underwater and animal adventures like those found in San Diego, animation workshops and Enterprise exhibits from Hollywood as well as wine tasting experiences straight from Napa Valley.


NOW! Onto the Food and Giveaway that you are probably here for. 😉 You can find these food vendors while out and about at the fair this year as well as many others.

The FOOD!!

1. Chicken Charlie’s

Chicken CharliesHow about we start out with some deep fried fair food fun? Be the first to try out the new Krispy Kreme Hamburger ($9.95), the Krispy Kreme Sloppy Joes ($7.75), Totally Fried Bacon Wrapped Pickles ($6.75), Waffle Dogs, and if you want something on the lighter side, they do have chicken kabobs. Don’t forget dessert! They also have the Totally Fried Twinkie that you can get with either chocolate or strawberry sauce drizzled on top.

Chicken CharlieChicken Charlie himself was there, so I just had to stop and get a picture taken with this famous fair icon. 🙂

LACountyFAIRMy favorites would have to be the Krispy Kreme Sloppy Joe and the Bacon wrapped pickles! Yum!

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