Spirit Untamed Movie Night!

Spirit Untamed

By Erin

Spirit Untamed

Spirit Untamed is the follow up to the 2002 animated classic Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron is the story of a young girl who befriends a wild mustang and goes on an epic adventure with her two best friends to rescue the horse that forever changed her life. Spirit Untamed is available on Digital and on Blu-ray/DVD now!

To celebrate the film’s release, we had a fun Spirit Untamed outdoor movie night! After a month of chaos and healing from a wisdom tooth surgery I was so happy to be able to actually ENJOY a movie night again. It also melted my heart to see how excited my niece was about Spirit and all of his buddies. Her eyes lit up seeing all the fun Spirit themed activities.

It’s crazy how much my niece Nora looks like Abigail, what do you think? From the hair cut, blonde hair and super bright blue eyes. They could be twins. Ha! She loved playing with Abigail and her horse Boomerang and brushing their hair.

Before watching the movie we also did some fun activities from the book and started painting a horse.

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