Ok, so I made it! Alive. In one piece, without gaining any weight during the week of ultimate eating out (well sort of) for my birthday! I even lost a little bit of weight.
Yesterday was weigh in day. The results were posted up for week one, and I’m NOT in last place after all that birthday food and eating out! I am about in the middle of the pack, 16th place out of 33. So considering I was waking up at the crack of dawn to work out anywhere from 60-90 minutes to make up for the birthday activities, and not eating as healthy as I would be normally, I am happy with being in the middle and not too far away from striking distance to make a leap towards the top of the pack.
So far so good with the no soda thing! I’ve been only drinking water, with the exception of one Pop Rock Margarita from Panama Joe’s and one Tickle Me Pink Martini off of the “Skinny” menu at Flemings. Now, I just need to stay away from the eating out part!! That part is NOT as easy!! If I do need to eat out somewhere though, it will be somewhere that has healthy choices, with low-calorie items! I was able to have some very healthy choices while I was out celebrating birthdays this week though, I have some pics below of the healthy goodies I was able to find!! 🙂
On my birthday I woke up bright and early at 5am for a 90 minute workout so that I’d be ready to leave by 7:45am for Glen Ivy!
Arriving at Glen Ivy!!

Just a handful of the many beautiful pics that were taken

Group pic of us as we were getting ready to leave this paradise! From left to right: Danielle, Erin (myself), Melody, and Leilani
Then it was off to Panama Joe’s to celebrate birthdays with dinner and drinks (well, A drink for me).

Mary with the famous Pop Rock Margarita!

My ONE and only Pop Rock Margarita I had for my birthday!

Jamie and Jennifer celebrating with us!

Melody’s birthday is the day after mine, so we were celebrating both of our birthdays! Thanks Mary for the super cute bears! FRIENDS FOREVER for sure!! <3 🙂

My birthday cupcake from Deanna (Thanks!!). Not too bad right? Pretty healthy considering the size of it… so I wouldn’t gain a pound just from having one!
Here are a couple of pics of some of the healthy options I was able to find while eating out at different places to celebrate my birthday with different people.

On my actual birthday, we had lunch at Glen Ivy Hot Springs at Cafe Sole. I had this grilled salmon salad. It was HUGE!

I went to dinner with my mother on Saturday to this place called Brown Rice, in Cypress, Ca. They had a “Healthy” section and I ordered the Steamed Veggies and Shrimp. I was pleasantly surprised at how filling and tasty it was.
A million thanks to everyone that came out to celebrate with me for my many birthday adventures!! We also celebrated Melody’s birthday at the Cheesecake Factory on Friday (where I had my main course off of the new skinnylicous menu, but I did have a piece of vanilla bean birthday cheesecake! I just HAD to!!). I also had a birthday breakfast on Sunday with my father at the Katella Deli and a birthday dinner that same NIGHT at Flemings with a friend for their Sunday Prime Rib special!! UGGG So as you can see I am SUPER lucky to have made it through the past week without gaining another 100 pounds!!
I need to start making up for last week and kick it up A LOT so I can get back in this thing! Anyone advice or suggestions would be greatly appreciated! I’ll take any words of wisdom I can get to win this thing!!
OH! But I think I found this magic potion that helps you shed off the pounds pretty easily…. get this.. It’s called WATER!!! I need to drink a lot more of it!! 😉